Official Review


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2018-07-31 22:53:14

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Review on Missha Moist Tension Blusher


Moistly covers your face
Delivers the lovely fruity colors to your cheek.:)


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Just by looking at the box of Missha Moist Tension Blusher
You can feel the fresh fruit.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Released in 6 colors.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Took the product out from the box
Delicate fruity colors catch my eyes.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


I fall in love just by looking at it.
I wonder how beautiful it would be
If I actually use it.


Let's try the blusher one by one. :)


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Starting from the case.
The case has a half transparent blusher color on the cap.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


The white side seems pretty neat
But it was a bit of shame there wasn't any part to open.
The thing you use the open I don't know what it's called
rack..? whatever.


Anyway, the products like above
When you exchange the puff
it can pop! and make a mess...


A bit of shame :(


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


If you open the cap there is a mini-mini puff.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


It is hard to fit in three fingers.
two fingers are just fine.


Small and cute puff.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Remove the puff there was a seal
And I could finally see the blusher net.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


It is hard to tell what colors they have.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Color test using the inner seal.
You see how thick and vivid the colors smudge with a single touch.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Now I can see the colors of blusher.
Tension blushers tend to spread more even
make them easy to apply.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Tested on my arms.


Peach cream and Bebe Strawberry
Have very pale colors compare to others.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Peach Cream
Had pale color.
Applied very naturally.


If you like a natural makeup
you might want to often use this.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Bebe Strawberry.


Pale pink color.
Finishes your lovely girly look.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Guava Juice
Compare to the previous two colors
the color seems relatively thick.


Would be a good color for summer.


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Sugar Plum


Feels cool


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Apple Drops
Lovely red color blusher


Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review 

Missha Moist Tension Blusher Review


Honey Honeydew
Warm orange color blusher.


As you can see from the picture of the color test.
They have moist spreading and finish.


If you like dewy makeup, you can just use it
But if you don't like even a tiny bit of stuffy feeling or smudging
I recommend you add transparent loose powder when using it!


Missha Moist Tension Blusher 8g

Missha Moist Tension Blusher 8g

Attachment 미샤_촉촉_텐션_블러셔_과즙상_메이크업_필수템_00002.jpg


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