
SKINCARE FOR SLEEPING How your skincare routine could help...

Posted by jolse(ip:)

Date 2019-08-20 18:09:00

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How your skincare routine could help with sleeping issues.


As someone who has experienced sleep issues since my early childhood years, I understand the struggle when it comes to bedtime. Tossing and turning, checking the time, over-thinking every detail of every possible scenario of everything in your life, checking the time, wondering what will happen at work tomorrow, moving your pillows around, checking the time, too hot, duvet off…the nightly cycle of the sleep struggle is not uncommon and yet can be completely disruptive in our daily lives. According to, 35% of Americans don’t get the recommended seven hours of sleep each night, and roughly 20% of Americans have a sleep disorder. In the UK, a study found that the average person in the UK sleeps for between 5.78 and 6.83 hours each night while Japan Today reported that Japanese men got an average of 6.3 hours sleep, and women an average of 6.4 hours. This is all significantly less than the 7-9 hours recommended for adults, meaning many of us are seriously sleep deprived when measured over an extended time period.

So what does skincare have to do with sleep? For many of you, probably nothing. However, I’ve found my skincare has become an important tool in my ability to get to sleep. Let me explain and share with you my tips and techniques.


Firstly, routine is important when it comes to getting to sleep. Jumping straight into bed after a busy day will usually leave you lying wide awake with a buzzing mind. You should start your wind-down routine at least 30 minutes before going to sleep, and skincare plays a huge role in this for me. I lay out my skincare steps (and yes, sometimes there are more than ten!) and work my way through them, taking the time to enjoy each step and gradually unwinding. I usually burn a candle while I do this, and sometimes listen to music. It’s a great way to mentally prepare for sleep, and it prevents me sitting scrolling my phone!

Aromatherapy Sheet Mask

A large part of my evening routine usually includes sheet masks and a new trend among Korean beauty companies has been “aroma” masks. These mask ingredients include beautiful scented oils to add to the sensory experience of the sheet mask, and they can be amazing for helping you relax. My personal favourites are from Beaudiani (I buy mine at Tonic15, a gorgeous UK-based skincare shop). They come in Lavender, Neroli, Mandarin & Sweet Orange, and Rose. The scents are long-lasting but not overwhelming- Lavender is my number one!

Facial Oils

There’s something about facial oils that really calm and focus my thoughts on the process of application and away from my busy mind. I sometimes use them for facial massage or apply light pressure on my pressure points when I apply the oils.  A lot of those I gravitate towards have “hanbang” (traditional Korean medicine) herbal scents, and it’s clear that scent plays a large role in relaxation for me. I also just love the texture of oils and the experience of using the product too. Personal favourites include the following:

The Ordinary Rose Hip Oil. This is a rich, basic oil that is amazing for massaging into skin and then waking up with a glow the next morning. And bonus, it’s super affordable.

Urang Brightening Blue Oil Serum. Kindly gifted to me by Skinsider UK, this serum definitely leans more into oil rather than serum territory and is the ultimate luxurious addition to an evening routine. It’s super soothing with a subtle herbal scent and absorbs quickly.

Commleaf Surely Green 100 Face Oil, gifted to me by the company to try out. This Neroli scented oil is so thick and the perfect option with a massage tool such as a  jade roller. It completely nourishes skin for a healthy glow.

    ① Aromatica Organic Rose Hip Oil 30ml

    ② TOSOWOONG Camellia 100% Botanic Oil 11ml

    ③ Hanyul Yuja Face Oil 30ml

Lush Twilight Spray

The final, and perhaps the most important, part of my evening routine has become my Twilight Body Spray from eco-friendly beauty store, Lush. But here’s the catch- I don’t spray it on my body. This goes on my pillows! The scent is a combination of lavender, tonka and ylang ylang and the result is complete calming of my sleeping space. I seriously love it and it has made a surprising difference to my ability to get to sleep.  A couple of sprays each night does the trick and the bottle is lasting me AGES.

JUICYFUL Deep Sleep Spray 100ml

Do you have any tips for getting sleep? I’d love to hear them in the comments if you do. It can have such an impact on life when you struggle to sleep and anything we can share to help each other is always appreciated and awesome to hear about.

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