Official Review


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2017-04-17 17:41:29

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REVIEW on Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact


The science of coating powder full of moisture essence that expresses the skin smooth!

The Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact.


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review
Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review


Nudism models are quite familiar to me now.


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review
Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review


There are three tones.


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review
Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review


The boxes are lightly sealed with stickers on the sides.


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review
Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review


Neatly designed pact.

Clio is great at case designing.

The fresh and clean case makes me feel clean and fresh.


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review
Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review


A pact with a smooth case.


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review
Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review


There is a puffy puff included.


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review
Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review


The internal cap is there for the sanitation of the puff and the powder.

Some products lack of the internal cap, and it sometimes make me feel uneasy.


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review
Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review


A picture to compare the tone colors.

#2 was quite bright, while #4 was stable, but not dull.

Some companies grab dull tones and claim that they are stable and dark colors, but Clio knows much better.


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review
Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review



I should have applied some lotion beforehand...

Well, at least the thin and even application is noticeable.


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review
Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review


It would be too dry and thick for me if applied with the included puff.


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review
Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review


I'll just be using the brush as I usually do.

I prefer brushes as they make the skin smooth and fresh.


Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review
Clio Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact review


I tried on #3.

It wasn't very moist, but it wasn't as dry as the other powders.

The pact was refractory when touched with the fingers, but was applied very smoothly on the skin.

I couldn't notice the fine particles until applying it on my face.

The powder wasn't too matte, while stabilizing the base with fine tenacity.

Light and moist powder pact.


CLIO Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact 10g

CLIO Nudism Moist Fit Powder Pact 10g

Attachment 01.jpg


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