Official Review


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2017-08-18 17:28:37

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REVIEW on Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors


Feathery lightness and floral colors with smooth texture - Peripera Ink the Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors!


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


Such unique and lovely packages.


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


These colors must be for the upcoming autumn.

As always, the Korean names are kind of cringey, yet funny.


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


The same small-size tints.


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


The applicators look the same as well.


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


Tried them on my arm.

The colors are mostly calm and stable.

In order to see how strong the colors are, I cleansed the colors with a cleansing water after trying them on my lips.

The cleansing water did an outstanding job as a wet tissue wasn't enough to wipe it all off.



I reviewed it on my channel, so take a look at it if you'd like.

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Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


Moving on to the lips now.

First off, #06, It Brown Orange.

I was engulfed by the glamour of this brown orange color.


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


Just look at it!

Look! At! It!


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


#07, My Brown Coral.

Gradation make-up for some vitality.


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


Full lip make-up for attractive lips.


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


#08, Glimpse Brick Brown.

You know, it does say 'brick brown'.

Colors like this are better with full lips.


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


Again, attractive.


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


#09, Legend Brown Red.

This one looked the best with gradations!


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


It's described as a tone-down red, but I think it's somewhere in between red and pink.

Doesn't matter - it's beautiful.


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


#10, Dry Rose Brown.

Maybe it was me, but I really didn't like the gradation for this one.

Or maybe it was the light color.


Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review
Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 17FW New Colors review


Really pretty with full lips.

Bright and vivid - I'll be using this one quite a lot.

Very light, fresh, matte, and easy to do gradations.

These tints could be mixed together, and they were great.

Oh, and the thing I like the most about these tints were that the tints were great at suppressing the dead skin cells on the lips.

Of course, they're not gone - I can see them just fine - but the dead skin cells are calmed and pushed down well.

The tints were not VERY moist, but the lips stayed elastic while the colors were matte.

Unique tints.






Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 8ml 17f/w New Color

Peripera Ink The Airy Velvet 8ml 17f/w New Color

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