Official Review


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2015-10-08 16:51:17

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REVIEW on banila co. Triple Wonder Tint.

It's a tint with tint layer, essence layer, and gloss layer.

Amazing yet questionable.
I wonder if each layers work well or not.

According to banila co.,
Tint colors lips while essence protects lips.
Gloss makes voluminous and moist lips.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

Total 3 colors.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

I saw one with different package.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

Checked expiration date and one with whole(uncut) box had longer days left.
Maybe it's a renewal-ed..


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

Tint looks amazing.
Tint on the top, essence in the middle,
and gloss on the bottom.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

Applied on back of hand.
If you stir contents when you are using product like gloss,
3 layers would blend soon.
Gloss contains bit of pearl.
So it glosses.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

#01 Kiss of Fire.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

Pink color's layered in this one.
Had feeling of gloss getting between wrinkles on lips.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

Color is not bad.
But I feel like there's yoplait phenomenon when large amount is applied.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

#02 Parisien.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

Red color is layered in #02.
More of cherry, actually.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

It is not clear in the picture.
But it looks lovely with its pearls in reality.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

#03 Orange Blossom.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

As I applied Red before Orange Blossom,
I can still see the red on my lips.


banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review
banila co. Triple Wonder Tint review

There were more orange on back of hand.
Doesn't seem like an actual coloring. So sorry.

3 layers harmoniously blends in and allows application of them at once.
I like this part.

But gloss wasn't good enough.

I don't know why. But it felt bit sticky.

Personally, I tend to avoid gloss with sticky formulation.
So I think I would have liked this product if this one had excluded gloss.

On the other hand, feels like this one looks great all because of the gloss..

When applied on lips, it covers lips well with moist touch.

If your lips get chapped often or have lots of wrinkles on it like me,
I don't recommend this one..

It's a useful product for making lips gloss like glass beads.
But it just doesn't work for me :(

For a tint, it doesn't leave much color on lips.
Red seems to leave adequate amount of color on lips.



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