Official Review


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2015-10-21 11:51:38

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REVIEW on ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint.

In my opinion, water type tint perfomes the best among various types of tints
as water type tint gets into skin and leaves color on lips well.

I'm going to try these water tint with colors of fresh fruits :)

Its clear Cherry, Strawberry, and Orange color presents voluminous lips :)


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review
ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

10g. Cute size.


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review
ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

Packed in vinyl. Easy to tear it off.


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review
ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

Outlet is wide open.
As formulation of water tint is easy to flow,
be careful of leakage.


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review
ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

Can you see this watery formulation?
It gets into skin very fast.


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review
ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

#01 Strawberry Ade.


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review
ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

#01 Strawberry reminds me of strawberry flavored candy.
In my eyes, it's more of violet color.


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review
ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

#02 Cherry Ade.


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review
ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

#02 reminds me of red cherry.
Its carmine color presents sexy mood.


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review
ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

#03 Orange Ade.


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review
ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

#03 is orange tint with lively mood.
Girly impression can be made with this color.
If you apply orange tint inside and use other color outside, it would be so lovely.


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review
ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

Coloring of the tints.
It's not exact since it's on back of hand.
But you can roughly see the colors.
I couldn't see the stain on lips as I applied several tints during review.


ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review
ETUDE HOUSE Dear Darling Water Tint review

Lasts quiet long.
Smells so sweet.

Felt like I was eating candy.

According to ETUDE HOUSE,
Tint enhanced moisturizing and sustain-ability.

However, as it's a water tint, moisturizing is almost zero.
So you need to apply top coat or lip balm to prevent dryness.

Colors are so lovely. Lasts quiet long.
It will look good with lipsticks with other colors, too.

Lightness is the best feature of this water tint :)


Etude House Dear Darling Water Tint 10g

Etude House Dear Darling Water Tint 10g

Attachment 0037.jpg


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