Official Review


banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2015-10-21 12:06:33

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REVIEW on banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek.

With finger tip, this aqua lip & cheek enables moist and long lasting colors.

It's a glow tint that can be used as a blusher and a tint.
This item will lessen weight of our pouch :)


banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek
banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek

Lips on lovely box catch my eyes.


banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek
banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek

Cherry Pink and Acid Orange color.


banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek
banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek

Cherry Pink reminds me of strawberry milk flavored candy.
Presents girly mood.


banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek
banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek

Acid Orange reminds me of lively orange fanta.
In my opinion, this color is more suitable presenting lively face.


banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek
banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek

Soft and watery formulation.


banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek
banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek

Spread with finger.
Feels like a water tint.
But coloring's lighter than that of a water tint.
So if you want more clear color, layer several more times.


banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek
banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek

Tip embodied shape of finger.
Unique design.


banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek
banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek

Cherry Pink really had color of strawberry milk.
Natural coloring can be done with little amount.
It looks like the right picture when layered several times.


banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek
banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek

Anyway, finger tip's so cute lol


banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek
banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek

When coated once or twice, Acid Orange looks more like grapefruit color.


banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek
banila co. Finger Tok Lip & Cheek

When layered several times, it looks like mixed color of orange and grapefruit.

It's little dry with 1 coat.
But it gets bit moist when layered several times.

Watery formulation.
Yet doesn't feel like water tint.
Somewhat slippery.

It has more moist than water tint.
But soon later, it feels like a water tint.

Dry :(
Use it with lip balm or lip gloss.

Coloring is so light.
If you want clear color, I don't recommend this one.

If you enjoy natural coloring, recommend this one :)

In my opinion, there are some inconveniences using this as a blusher.
I suggest you to use this as a tint only :)



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