Official Review


MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2016-01-18 13:46:45

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REVIEW on MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream.

This product acts as a sleeping and a peeling cream.
It effectively removes outer skin cells while you are sleeping.

What an amazing product.
I have never seen this kind of product :)


MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review
MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review

Simple package.


MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review
MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review

Remove the sticker.


MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review
MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review

Manual is on inner side of the paper.


MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review
MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review

Simple cream case design.


MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review
MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review

Inner cap inside.


MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review
MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review

White and thin formulation.


MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review
MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review

Moist sleepeeling cream :)


MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review
MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review

Get appropriate amount on face.


MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review
MISSHA Super Aqua Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream review

Then, spread and let skin absorb it.

It contains AHA and BHA.
If your skin is sensitive to these components,
test it on your skin first.

Anyway, apply on face like a cream and go to bed.

Lots of reviews told me that their face got softer after face wash next morning.
To be honest with you, in my case, no dramatic change.

Skin texture seemed little softer than previous night.
But no big difference.

As it's a stimulus-free cream,
it doesn't come up with drastic change with 1 time use.

You will be able to see softened skin if you diligently apply it 3 times a week.

If you were not able to use peeling products because of sensitive skin,
I would like to recommend this one.

You can just apply it on face like cream and
wash off with lukewarm water next morning.
So convenient.

Used it for a week.
My makeup seems different.
Skin seem to be absorbing makeup very well.

Made soft and shimmering skin :)


Missha [SUPER AQUA] Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream 50ml

Missha [SUPER AQUA] Smooth Skin Sleepeeling Cream 50ml

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