Official Review


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2016-01-20 15:01:44

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REVIEW on Missha Coloring Tint Balm.

Tint Balm with functions of tint and lip balm.
It was quite innovative at first.
But it became normal somehow.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

There are 4 colors.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Happy To You, Joy To You, Love To You, and Sweet To You.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Simple and neat design. Portable.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Diagonally cut. So it's easy to apply.
Moreover, it has large volume.
Can use for a quite long time.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Melting texture. Very moist.
Color comes out easily.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Looks like picture on the right afterwards.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Colors are not that clear.
But natural coloring's possible with this daily item :)


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Happy To You.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

It has the most natural color.
It just vitalizes lips with its deem color.
Useful daily lip balm.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Joy To You.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Seems like it has coral color.
But it has more of orange in it.
Yet it looks more like grapefruit.
Color differs according to original color of lips.
On my lips, color of grapefruit comes out.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Love To You.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

The most deepest color.
If you don't want your lips look too natural,
this color accomplishes red lips with moist.
Expected really red lips.
But color's lighter than I thought. Casual :)


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Sweet To You.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm review
Missha Coloring Tint Balm review

Liked it so much as it didn't contain much pink.
Has color of strawberry milk.
Yet it's little deeper than strawverry milk :)

Moist, natural, and vital lips can be made
with this tint balm.

When doing makeup, because of dry texture,
I usually avoid lipstick even though I don't want to.

Now I can use this one instead of lipstick.
Or use this one as a lip base before lipstick.


Missha Coloring Tint Balm 3.3g

Missha Coloring Tint Balm 3.3g

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