Official Review


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2016-04-12 12:22:32

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REVIEW on CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion.

As I have found CLIO Foundation very useful before,
I'm excited to try another CLIO base.

According to CLIO,
this cushion allows us to experience enough moist
which lasts long. Moreover, it has perfect cover.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Big box for a cushion :)

In a limited number,
they are giving away
Kill Cover Cushion Refill and Primer.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

There are Lingerie, Linen, Ginger, and Sand.
I'll try all of them except for Sand.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Opened the box. Contents.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Heard they are giving away cushion refill.
But a foundation bottle is inside.

Surprisingly, CLIO cushion can be
refilled by soaking sponge with foundation
which is basically same with the cushion.

Whenever we find out the cushion drying out,
we can apply foundation and refill cushion.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Picked up cushion. Extra air puff beneath.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Let's take a look at the free primer first.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Total liquid type.
Feels like thin essence.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Has light formulation.
Controls oily touch.
Makes skin smooth.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Letters written with foundation.
Joking LOL
Cushion with simple classy design.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Puff inside.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Puff is very soft and fine.
It will feel really good on face :)


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Opened the cap.
Inside looks unusual.
Is it for preventing vaporization of moist?


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Let's take of the seal.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

What I found when taking off the seal.

Seal is from 3M?!
Adhesive 3M?! LOL



CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

2-BP Lingerie.

It's for #13-#21.
Cool tone pink beige.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

3-BY Linen.
Linen also is for #13-#21.
It's yellow beige for warm tone.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

4-BO Ginger.
Original beige color for #21-#22.
Fits for warm tone.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Checked the color.
Even if they have same #13-#21 tone,
Pink beige and yellow beige differs a lot.

Pink beige looks brighter.

On the other hand, Ginger has very calm tone.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Air puff is very elastic.

The band stretches well.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

Foundation's really wet.
If you push it like when you are using a normal cushion,
all the content will come out.

Gently touch the foundation with puff.

Otherwise, you will experience a disaster.


CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review
CLIO Kill Cover Liquid Founwear Cushion review

I usually use middle tone of #21-#23.
So I used 4-BO Ginger.

Thought it was little bright for my skin tone.
But it wasn't that bright as I applied more on
spots with cover and shaded.

Just applied cushion on picture.

Spreads thinly. Adheres well on skin.

Cover's mediocre.
Not as perfect as a concealer.

Moist. But if you don't do basic skin care carefully,
you will soon feel dryness.

With thorough basic skin care,
moistness was maintained for a long time.
But after brief skin care,
I could feel dryness over time.

Lasts quite long.

Like Kill Cover Highestwear Foundation,
it adheres well on skin and doesn't smudge.
Just stays on skin like it's mine.

Applied it on 10AM
and looked it again on 9PM.
No sign of breaking down.

I don't know how it will look like on oily skin.
But it will last at least 5 to 6 hours.

If you were looking for a cushion with
natural freckle cover and high durability,

this is it ^^




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