Product Review


amazing cushion compact for beginners ♡

Posted by juli220390(ip:)

Date 2016-08-21 00:05:11

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the ampoule intense cushion is the first cushion compact foundation that i have ever ordered. after long research and price comparisons i decided to give this one a try because it seemed to be great for beginners who can not afford the very popular other brands.

the compact arrived in a very pretty light craft paper box with leaves embossed into it. with having never seen a cushion foundation before, i was suprised by how thick the compact was. that makes it very sturdy though and since it's not heavy either amazingly, there is no trouble keeping it in your purse and traveling with it. once you open the compact there is a big mirror in the same size revealed, which is very handy for easy application and touch-ups throughout the day. an appilcation puff/sponge comes with it aswell, which makes this buy a very great deal in my opinion.

since i am very pale (nc 5 - 10) it has always been troublesome to find a foundation that works for my fair skin. usually make up is way too dark and pink toned. this compact in the other hand is very light and works for a good range of fair skin tones since the coverage is light and the undertone is neutral.
if you have troubled skin that you want to completely cover up then this isn't the right pick for you but i find that it looks so natural that, with the addition of concealer you can achieve an amazing glowy skin that looks very healthy. i noticed that the foundation does hide pores very well, it gives the most beautiful finish and evens out the skin tone nicely (as stated above, pimples and high-pigmented areas need to be covered with additiontal concealer) it doesn't settle into fine lines, neither sticks to peach fuzz which makes it look so beautiful and skin like. the texture is really light aswell so it feels like you're not wearing anything. i have to admit that i have never felt better than with this cushion on my face. i absolutely love it. the compact lasted me three and a half months (wearing it almost every day) but i will definitely get a refill.

the only thing i have to criticize is that it has a strong scent to it when you open the compact but you won't notice it once it's on the skin so.. it's not a big deal really.

Attachment review_cushion4.jpeg , review_cushion1.jpeg , review_cushion2.jpeg , review_cushion3.jpeg


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