Product Review


My Journey with iUNIK Centella Calming Daily Sunscreen

Posted by nirrs0719025(ip:)

Date 2024-05-26 03:57:06

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Product Overview: iUNIK Centella Calming Daily Sunscreen is a chemical sunscreen, so there is no issue with a white cast. It comes in a 60 ml tube, which is more quantity than the usual 50 ml tubes. It contains centella, a soothing ingredient, which intrigued me to try it. Here is my detailed review after using it for a few weeks.

Weather I live in: Very hot, sometimes humid, but mostly dry.
My skin type: Combination to oily.
Skin concerns: Soothing, anti-aging, sunspots.

Experience with iUNIK Centella Calming Daily Sunscreen:

Humid Days:
 I tried this sunscreen for the first time on a humid day. After washing my face and applying some moisturizer, I used the iUNIK Centella Calming Daily Sunscreen. It turned my face into an oily grease ball! The oiliness didn't go away; it just stayed there.

Another Humid Day:
 I decided to skip the moisturizer, thinking the sunscreen would suffice. Unfortunately, my face still looked greasy. This is a major problem for those who wear glasses, as they kept sliding down my nose.

Dry Days:
 Hoping for better results on a dry day, I applied the sunscreen directly after washing my face without having any moisturizer or makeup on top of it. Sadly, it still made me look greasy. While the greasiness eventually settled on my cheeks, my T-zone (forehead and chin) remained greasy throughout the day.

Experience with Reapplication:

Humid Days:
 Reapplication on humid days was a disaster—greasy as heck!

Dry Days:
 Reapplication still resulted in a greasy face and white streaks on my neck.

Overall Thoughts:

  1. This sunscreen leaves a white cast initially, but don’t be scared, you can blend it in (it just takes time).
  2. Using it on my damaged barrier caused a burning sensation, and it stung my eyes badly. I couldn't apply it on my eyelids, which is disappointing.
  3. I believe it acted comedogenically for me. After two weeks, I noticed whiteheads and bumps, which I attribute to this sunscreen as all my other skincare products are regular and have not caused issues.
  4. I now use it on my hands and neck, where the greasiness fades away eventually, unlike on my face.
  5. The experience with this sunscreen depends on the weather. In an air-conditioned room during hot, humid days, it might be different, potentially leaving a matte finish. Without air conditioning, it turned into an oily nightmare for me. So, I won't repurchase it unless I move to a cooler climate.

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