Product Review


Works Great!!

Posted by jumiyoung(ip:)

Date 2015-05-13 02:26:33

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I used to have very strong nails and I like to grow them out. Recently though they've gotten very brittle and I have a job that is very VERY hard on nails. They were breaking nearly every day, sometimes in big chunks, until my nails were very short. I thought I’d try this out and see how it worked and so far I think it’s doing a good job. Here’s the details: it’s a milky white color in the bottle but it goes on and dries clear. One thing I’m not a huge fan of is it is really smelly. It’s not some weird pine nut smell which I was kind of expecting. It just smells like regular nail polish, only stronger. But I kept a window open next to me or held my breath until I was done and it was fine. It dries quickly (within a minute) and I've used tons of nail polishes that are stinky so it’s not a problem at all. My nails look nice and shiny afterwards which I really like.

According to the directions you should apply a coat every couple days. I first applied one coat, then a couple days later did another coat. After that I just left it until it was all chipping off, roughly a couple weeks. Then I removed it and did that same process over again. I have seen some improvement that I’m really happy with. My nails are back to their normal length again and keep growing. I do occasionally get some chips but they’re very tiny, and like I said, I have a job that is incredibly hard on nails, so I never really expected the chips to entirely go away. But the chips are nothing a little sanding can’t take care of, unlike when whole pieces used to come off so the only way to salvage my nail was to just cut the whole free edge off. And my nails really do feel much stronger. They don’t bend as easily and I get a satisfying solid sound when I drum my nails on things, which I know drives most people crazy but it's soothing to me hehe. Overall I’m pretty satisfied. The only real con is that it’s pretty smelly, but I think that most strengthening polishes are like that and I can deal with the smell since it works so well.

Attachment Skinfood Pine Nut Nail Strengthener 1.JPG , Skinfood Pine Nut Nail Strengthener 2.JPG


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