Product Review



Posted by Antoinette(ip:)

Date 2014-08-04 02:26:27

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First, and foremost, I used to despise toners. My previous experience with the infamous Clinique toners that dried out my skin beyond belief led me to avoid using them all together. However, given the enormous popularity, and hype on this Mal:gem line caught my eye (or maybe the Shinee boys advertising the toners, what girl could resist? :)

When I first discovered the Asian skincare routine, I learned Asian toners are used to prep the skin after washing your face with a foam cleanser-its purpose is to restore moisture balance and soften the skin, versus Western toners that have an "astringent-only" effect, which results in irritation, skin-sensitivity, or even breakouts, since it's basically alcohol you're running onto your face. (Most people don't know this but even oily skin-types need moisture too)

I tend to have an oilier skin type during the summer time, and a very, very dry skin-type in the wintertime, so I would categorize myself as either normal or combination skin type, since it's not uncommon for me to become super-oily in the middle of winter, which led me to decide on purchasing the "Fresh" version, promoted towards those with oily skin-types.

The packaging is rather simpler, than the uber-cute packaging we're used to (will upload pictures later). The side of the box is a pale, spring-green, while the front of the box is an off-white with illustrations of green leaves. What I love about this simple packaging, is the emphasis on the actual theme of the product "simple, clear, pure, natural." There are no harsh chemicals, or irritants. And even though the first two ingredients are water and alcohol, the majority of the ingredients in this toner are chock full of fruit, and floral extracts, to "nourish" the skin. (This isn't necessarily important, but the scent of the toner is a mixture of fruity, and floral, very mild, but very pleasant, although it disappears once you apply it to your face, so don't worry if you're sensitive to scents).

After I cleansed my face with me Herb Essence face wash, I applied the toner, and I was amazed on how soft as plump my skin felt. After prolonged use, I noticed my skin to change, my pores are smaller, and my overall skin felt less irritated, and my dark sports started to fade. (Mind you, this is not an overnight fix).

However, there are a few, (minor) cons.

1. Prices vary depending in where you shop. From what I can attest, Jolse has the lowest price I've seen (around 12 bucks), while other retailers such as eBay, or Amazon can charge as much as 35 US dollars, so be careful where you shop.

2. Make sure you know your skin-type, so you don't purchase the wrong one, and end up getting severe breakouts! . - .

Overall, the pros outweigh the cons, and this toner is essential. There are so many types to choose from, so you're guaranteed to find the one for you I love the refreshing feeling I get after using this toner. It's made a difference to my skin's overall health, and I'm considering on purchasing the moist type for when winter come rolling about.



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