Official Review


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2016-08-23 10:55:17

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REVIEW on A'Pieu Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher


I always wanted to use a cushion blusher,

but never got around to actually using it.


I've used a cushion base before, and I was pretty impressed by it,

so I was pretty hyped for this one too!


Being it Rilakkuma edition also helps, of course >_<


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


Rilakkuma Cushion Blusher is available in 5 tones.


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


Four of them are blushers and the last one at the bottom is a shader.


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


The case design is different for each tones


One small gripe I have is that I wish they'd let us choose the case for each colour too.


Of course, they are all cute anyway so it doesn't really matter in the end much >_<


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


They are actually all very small.


Hmmm... I should've taken a comparion pic with a standard-sized cushion case.


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


Obviousl the puff is also very small.


It's sooo adorable!!


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


It may be small, but it has its own inner seal.


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


I use it like this =)


I usually put the inner seal back on it when I'm not using it for days.

It's cumbersome, but I think it's a smart habit to have

especially if you want the product having a longer shelf life.


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


Colour test.


This is basically how it looks like in real life, more or less.


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


Let's try CR01 first.


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


It's not too strong, but its definitely noticeable.

It brings back life to the cheeks, overall very natural colour.


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review




A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


It's a lot redder than I thought it would be.

The colour shows up very easily, so putting it on lightly is enough for most cases.


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review




A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


It's very light, colour itself is quite subtle.

It's good when you are going for those subtle blushes


f you don't like strong colours,

this is probably the best choice.


It's certainly the most innocent-looking one.


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review




A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


This one whitens the skin more than anything.


It brightens up the face,

and it's less of a blusher than a brightener.


I think this probably my favourite lavender colour so far.


It sure is the most effective on in making the skin brighter from my experience.


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review




A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review
A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher review


This one's for shading.


Th colours comes up very naturally,

and if you skin tone is darker than No.23, this might not even be visually noticeable.


If it had a slightly darker tone, I think it would've been more effective as a shader,

allowing the user to control the intensity through amount.

This one was a bit disappointing in that regard.


If you have No.13, No.21 or lighter No.23 skin tones, this should work fine enough, however.


One area you can use it effective is actually the neck.

By putting the shade on the neck, it makes the face look smaller naturally

without looking as if your face doesn't match the rest of your body.


I think I'm using the word "naturally" to much

but really, other than CR02, they all look very "natural"



It has a rather moist feel to it.

Overall, for my first cushion blusher,

it really did a stunning job in impressing me.


It seems to last long enough too.


I should look for other products like this,

now that I got into them.

Maybe this is one of the best ones? Or are all cushion blushers this good?


I used a lot of cream blushers when I was doing waterlight makeups,

but I think this would actually work even better.


From the cute case to the actually quality, it really is a lovely product.

I recommend this <3


A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher

A'PIEU Rilakkuma Air-Fit Cushion Blusher

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