Official Review


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2017-03-28 17:27:15

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REVIEW on Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint


The lip rich vivid tint, a moisturizing, nutritional tint with moist and creamy texture.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


Tints were all similar regardless of how moist they say the products are, but it still makes me wonder how moist this one will be.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


There are 10 colors of pink, orange, red, brown, and purple.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


The cases are shiny.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


The colors are indicated on both ends.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


The applicators are slightly diagonal, and makes the tints adhere well.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review



From left: PK001, PK002, PK003, IR201, OR202, RD301, RD302, RD303, BR401, and PP501.

Only PK001 has a natural color.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


PK001, Young And Rich.

This color look really natural.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


PK002, Flamingo Heart.

This one was more red than pink, and the gradation was just outright gorgeous.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


PK003, Hug Me Honey.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


OR201, Cheese In The Carrot.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


OR202, Vitamin Touch.

I like this color, too.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


RD301, Salsa Dance.

This one's gradation is beautiful as well.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


RD302, I Am So Apple.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


RD303, After Kiss.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


BR401, Cinnamonster.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


PP501, Dark Melo.

This one's pretty, too.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


The gradation comparison of the 10 colors.

They all look similar, but they are still quite different.


Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review
Etude House Lip Rich Vivid Tint review


Full coloring comparison.

Only PK001 has a soft, natural color.

Very creamy and moist, with great colors.

Not much color is left behind even though it's a tint.


Etude House Rip Rich Vivid Tint 6g

Etude House Rip Rich Vivid Tint 6g

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