Official Review


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2017-05-09 09:36:23

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REVIEW on Missha Puff Shower Cleanser


All the make-up sponges, puff, and brushes are great to use, but a hassle to cleanse.

I heard that a powerful cleanser for all make-up products has emerged from the void, so I decided to try it out.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


It has a sticker that says 'Strong Cleanser' attached to the product.

I wonder how powerful the cleanser is to put up such a bold statement on the top.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


The small size makes me worry about the amount of the product.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


The neatly designed plastic case would be convenient to use.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


The transparent cleanser has a texture similar to others.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


Let's try it out on a contaminated sponge of mine.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


Not even a large amount is needed.

Just squeeze it thoroughly.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


Like this.

Brushes and sponges are easy to clean - just cleanse them like you would apply them.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


The product I used have been extracted from the sponge.

Squeeze while rinsing with water, too.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


The dirty sponge has become much more clean.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


The sponge has transformed into its former state before use.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


Now, let's cleanse the rest of my dirty tools.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


After cleansing.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


Even the dirty brushes are clean now.


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review
Missha Puff Shower Cleanser review


The cleanser was very effective in cleansing the make-up products on the tools.

I liked it so much that I'm going to buy it in boxes and keep them for later on.

I felt that 100ml that I was worried about would be enough for quite a long time.

If I had met the cleanser before, I wouldn't have wasted a few brushes that I really liked.

This one, I recommend.

Buy it!


Missha Puff Shower Cleanser 100ml

Missha Puff Shower Cleanser 100ml

Attachment 01.jpg


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