Official Review


ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2015-10-21 11:53:45

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REVIEW on ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow.

Eyebrow is one of the key points of a person's impression.

So we need to put much efforts in caring it :)

Drawing Eye Brow delicately and neatly presents brows.
Natural and beautiful brows can be drawn with it.


ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review
ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review

Launched 6 colors.


ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow reviw
ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow reviw

Tip of pencil is triangular.
So linear and planar application can be done.
Natural presentation of brow is possible.


ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review
ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review

On tail, there's a screw brush.
It's useful when getting brows in order.


ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review
ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review

#01 Black Brown.
Black Brown is one of my favorite daily colors.
It's not too deep and not too light.
It defines shape of brows very well.


ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review
ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review

#02 Gray Brown is bit turbid brown.
It will be useful when covering brows with tattoos.


ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review
ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review

#03 Brown also is my favorite daily color. It's the most natural color.
It won't match black hair.
But it presents the most natural mood with brown hair.


ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review
ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review

#04 Deep Gray.
Deep Gray is deep for sure.
Kind of looks like thickly applied Ebony Pencil.


ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review
ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review

#05 Gray.
Similar color with #04. But bit lighter than #04.
Looks like thinly applied Ebony Pencil.
If you misuse it, it will look like you did brow tattoo and its color has ran out.
So be careful.


ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review
ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review

#06 Black.
I don't think I will use black much.
But it's the only color I will use when presenting intense impression :)
If you define clear and neat lines with black, intense yet neat impression can be made.


ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review
ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow review

We have reviewed 6 brow pencils.
Applied #01 ~ #06 from left.
Color looks different on back of hand and on brows.
Please consider that.

I suggest you to think about your hair color and mood of your makeup before you choose brow colors.

If you apply foundation first when testing products with color on back of hand,
similar color comes out even on back of hand.

Let's apply same foudation you use on your face to test cosmetics on back of hand :)


Etude House Drawing Eye Brow 0.2g

Etude House Drawing Eye Brow 0.2g

Attachment 0038.jpg


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