Official Review


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2018-04-27 10:41:38

Views 7226

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Review on peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow.


Brilliant pearl feast shines at any angle.

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow
without flakes neatly shines
gives you twinkling eyes.


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


Starting from the packaging,
it is boasting a lovely shines.


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


Released with 6 different colors.


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow[3g]
Taking the products out,
they are dazzling my eyes!


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


Opening the cover, it looked so marvelous
I had to take a picture.


My expectation is getting higher. :)


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


Let's take a look at the applicator first.
It looks pretty much the same as what we used to see.


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


I think I'm not good at showing colors of glitter products.
The colors were way more brilliant than these. :(


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


Starting from the top left, #1, #2, #3
and from the bottom left #4, #5, #6.


This picture seems to have a better view of the colors.


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


#1 Pink Melody that contains silver and opal sparkles which are suitable for the cool tone makeup.


The combination of light sheen of the silver and opal presents you the gorgeous color without being too heavy.


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


#2 Candy Cane that offers you lovely rose gold mood color that contains silver, gold and rose gold glitter.


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


#3 Kitten Beige has a beige color that matches well with any makeup.


Anyway, it seems to have a name that I've heard somewhere. Haha


It has so much pearl in it, highlights the pearl more than its base color.


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


#4 Diamond 3 Carat has a silver mood color that has silver, champagne gold, and opal pearl glitter mixed.


It may look similar to #3 Kitten Beige, but if you look carefully, it has more various colors mixed together.


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


#5 Beige Harmony for the warm tone makeup!
A warm pink beige mood color created by combining gold, opal and pink pearls, shows its elegance.


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


#6 French Flower has red-brown base mixed with gold and opal pearl.
It has the most vivid color out of all six.


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


Makeup picture


Used #2 and #3,
When I was using #3, I happened to use too much
I had to cleanse and do it again. Lol


Without much effort, it looks pretty.


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review 

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow review


It nicely adheres and once it is dabbed
it hardly has any flake issue.


I have a bad memory with a glitter a few years ago in a party.
But this, I can probably use it every day. :)


Easy to apply with good persistence
Presenting twinkling eyes all day!


How about having a brilliant glitter party with me. :)


peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow 3g

peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Shadow 3g

Attachment 페리페라_슈가_트윙클_리퀴드_섀도우_청하_롤러코스터_메이크업_00003.jpg


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