Official Review


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2018-06-11 10:38:23

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Review on innisfree My Palette My Eyeshadow Matte
I will do color tests on my arm and eyes of all colors.


innisfree My palette My Eyeshadow Matte
is launched with 40 different colors at first.
After the first launching, they added 8 new colors,
now they have up to #48.


In this review, I will only test 40 first launched colors
I will review the new colors later on with another review.


Moving onto the color tests. :)


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


I will show you 5 colors each.
Applied 5 colors on for each picture,
but I had to apply one by one on my eyes. haha....


Colors from #1 to #5


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Overall, good base colors that allow you
to cover the dullness of upper eyes.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


#1 is an ivory-ish color that is used more often on the eyebrows
than on the upper eyes.
Its bright color comes to advantage to neatly tidy up the eyebrow line.
#2 has a lively color that is often used for delicate makeup
#3,#4 and #5 are used as soft shade colors.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Colors from #6 to #10


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Good shading colors in general.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


I was thinking if I should try them on eyebrows as well.
But the colors are a bit pale to use on eyebrows
I used them as a shadow or on the front of the eyebrow.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Colors from #11 to #15


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Red tone colors.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Just by looking at the shadow, the colors would be too thick.
Actually, if you apply them, depends on the brush you use, number of layerings
the colors come out very differently.


If you want the colors as eyeshadow, use a soft shadow brush
and softly apply,
If you want thicker colors you can use shorter and stronger brush.


Oh, they looked good on eyebrows as well.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Colors from #16 to #20


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Acorn-ish color...!


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


And the colors actually feel like an acorn. haha
Good shadow colors.


My Eyeshadow Matte surely have
a lot of good shadow colors.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Colors from #21 to #25


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Good colors for smudging lines and shadow.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Thick colors should well match with the gel liner.
If you draw a vivid line, it doesn't matter so much
but if you don't want to draw the line too thick
but still want the sharp feeling, thick color eyeshadow is always a good option.


Rest of the colors were good as eyeshadow,
but not eccentric that can be used on various makeups.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Colors from #26 to #30


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Now they are brighter and more colorful.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Good shadow and brow colors.
Good base colors.
and good main colors.


#29 is a polish pink color
I don't use a pink color that often but I still manage to use it very well.




innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Colors from #31 to #35


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


The most colorful options.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


The most colorful options.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review.

Vivid colors that are more vibrant
when eye primer is applied in prior.


#33 was a such a lovely color for daily makeup.


#31 and #35 were too unique to be used as daily colors
but I used sometimes for art makeup.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Colors from #36 to #40


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


The thickest colors among today's color test.


innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review 

innisfree My Palette My Eye Shadow Matte review


Overall good line smudging colors
and also good for eyebrows.


Reddish one, ash-feeling one,
a delicate mixture of dark brown and dark gray,
and pearl-less black.


While applying the matte shadow, I could feel the
a bit of powderiness, but not so much.


The colors turn out differently base on the tools and ways you apply.
The wide range of tones and options allow you to find
the best matching color for your makeup.


It wasn't so easy testing 40 different colors.
Satisfied in a way, but wish I could have done better.


Hope this helps when you buy an eyeshadow,
One day I will collect the new colors come back with another review. :)


Innisfree My Palette My Eyeshadow Matte

Innisfree My Palette My Eyeshadow Matte


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