Official Review


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review

Posted by jolse(ip:

Date 2018-06-28 10:33:01

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Review on innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review 

innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review


Mascara remover that
perfectly removes the mascara a lash by lash.


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review 

innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover [9g]


innisfree is always trustable.
This time it is a cleansing line.


Among the various cleansing line
today I will review the mascara remover.


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review 

innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review


Not only removes the mascara
but it also removes mascara fixer and top coat.


It perfectly cleanses the strong waterproof products as well.


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review

innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review


Weird shaped applicator
designed to apply on the eyelash one by one.


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review

innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review


And the applicator is waterdrop shaped
facilitates delicate touch even on the areas which are hard to remove.


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review 

innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review


Picture of me with mascara on.
Long-lash mascara that I used for the test.


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review 

innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review


Applied the mascara remover.


Coat with enough amount of mascara remover and wait for a while
Then simply swipe with a tissue.


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review 

innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review


I had a plenty of the time
I kept coating with the applicator.


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review 

innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review


Then I could see the mascara melting.
Just like a magic, it disappeared all of sudden.


I picked up the eyelash with a finger
and the mascara pulled out. :)


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review 

innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover Review


I used another brand's mascara remover once.
I honestly didn't like it so much.
Everafter I never really like any mascara remover.


innisfree My Makeup Cleanser Mascara Remover
didn't irritate my eye so much
and worked really well.


When I'm not so busy I spent my time
carefully apply on my eyelash
swipe with a tissue then swiped once again with a cotton bud.


On the busy day or just feeling too lazy.
I kind of dumped it on my eyelash
and removed at once with base makeup and lip makeup.


innisfree mascara remover
has a oil in gel type transforming formula
that gel turns into an oil, sounds very uncomfortable.
If you actually apply, it's simple, easy and refreshing.


I personally recommend this if you layer with mascara.
Highly recommended. :)


Once you're done with using it make sure you close the cap back on.


And it is more hygienic that way anyways. :)

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