Product Review


I do not recommend it / No lo recomiendo.

Posted by viclelolita11632(ip:)

Date 2019-01-02 09:52:53

Views 272

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My skin is mixed leaning more to dry and sensitive, with a tendency to acne.

The packaging is very nice and practical, useful to take on a trip.

The color, I chose the lightest # 1 beige skin. It has a yellowish sub tone, the final color is perfect on my skin.

It has a soft aroma, almost imperceptible to me.

Its consistency is more liquid, and when it was applied to my skin it felt oily. The bases of makeup should have a balance of oils, but this seemed to me to have too much, making it a little harder to blur it well. Probe with two different brushes and sponge, with sunscreen and without sunscreen. It has a nice bright effect, without being too much, and it is light, and at the moment it looks more or less well (.

It seems to me that its medium to low coverage, I liked that.

It is not natural, if you do not blur it well it shows on the skin.

When they spent 4 hours, in a cold climate, I saw myself in the mirror and the whole base gave a patch effect, it felt like I did not exfoliate my skin in months, and it's not like that, my skin was in a good condition, well hydrated and with closed pores, hoping for a better appearance with this base, and the fat part of my T area was the same patch, do not sweat at any time. It is not resistant to water, but at least it is easy with cleaning oil.

I did not get an allergy or acne breakouts.

I'll keep using it, but I will not buy it again.

Mi piel es mixta inclinada mas a seca y sensible, con tendencia a acne.
El empaque es muy bonito y practico, util para llevar a viaje.
El color, escogi el mas claro #1 skin beige. Tiene un sub tono amarillento, el color final quedo perfecto en mi piel.
Tiene un aroma suave, casi inperceptible para mi.
Su consistencia es mas liquida, y a la hora de aplicarlo en mi piel se sentia aceitoso. Las bases de maquillaje deben tener un equilibrio de aceites, pero este me parecio que tenia demasiado, haciendo que me fuese un poco mas dificil difuminarlo bien. Probe con dos diferentes brochas y esponja, con protector solar y sin protector solar. Tiene un bonito efecto brillantes, sin ser demasiado y es ligero,  al momento se ve bien. (No se puede apreciar en la foto).
Me parece que su cobertura mediana a baja, me gusto eso.
No queda natural, si no lo difuminas bien se nota en la piel.
Cuando pasaron 4 horas,  en un clima frio, me vi en el espejo y toda la base daba un efecto de parches, se notaba como si no exfoliara mi piel en meses, y no es así, mi piel estaba en un buen estado, bien hidratada y con los poros cerrados, esperando una mejor apariencia con esta base, y la parte grasa de mi zona T estaba igual de parche, No sude en ningun momento. No es resistente al agua, pero al menos se va facil con aceite limpiador.
No me dio alergia, ni brotes de acne.
seguire usandolo, pero no lo volvere a comprar.

Attachment c04330c6-bc96-4cd5-890c-d21f8893cae1.jpg , 0fea645b-8397-4024-b767-75eecc629c94.jpg , b7469f43-2b66-4c88-a277-99e81670d829.jpg


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